Manitoba Hydro commits $19 million to First Nations Geothermal Energy
/June 19 2014 - We have some very exciting news to share!
Following up on our successful pilot project installing geothermal energy in 113 homes in Fisher River Cree Nation and Peguis First Nation in 2013, both communities will be expanding program delivery in 2014 with a total of 150 new residential geothermal installations - and Aki Energy will be expanding the program to Sagkeeng First Nation and Long Plain First Nation.
So far, the project has been getting rave reviews. Despite record cold this last winter, Fisher River resident David Hart has the lowest heating bills he has ever seen. "I looked at my heating bill in February and I couldn't believe it - I thought there must have been a mistake!" Early data from Manitoba Hydro calculates first year utility bill reductions in Peguis and Fisher River First Nations at nearly $150,000.
The news get's even better. In June 2014 Manitoba Hydro issued a press release stating that it is launching a new program - the Community Geothermal Program using PAYS Financing, which will work with Aki Energy to expand this program to First Nations across Manitoba. Manitoba Hydro has committed to investing $19 million in the program by 2107 - and this means big-time job creation, business opportunity and utility bill reductions on First Nations across Manitoba!